Naturecrafts of Texas
Design No: GBP01-04R: Gemstone Butterfly PendantsThis
pretty assortment of gemstone butterfly p..
Design No:
470R "JESUS, ROSE OF SHARON" Song of Solomon 2:1...”I am the rose of
Sharon, and the li..
Design No: 534R from
the "Names of Jesus" collection comes our newest
design...."JESUS, THE..
Design No: GTP01_03R Turtle PendantsAssortment of gemstone turtle
pendants (Dark Green Aventuri..
Design No: H341R
Christian Hematite Choker
Metallic accents:
Antique goldtone only
Design No: 318R
"Creature Lover's"(Limited Edition) Made especially for those who
love wildlife. S..
Design No: 68R
"Egyptian Princess"
Metallic accents:
Silvertone / Gunmetal
Design No: 402R
Egyptian Princess
Metallic accents:
silvertone / gunmetal
Design No: 401R
Egyptian Princess
Metallic accents:
goldtone / antique copp..
Design No: 436R-
Inspirational Gemstone Choker "FLOWER LOVERS"
Metallic accents:
Antique go..
Design No: 435R-
Inspirational Gemstone Choker "FLOWER LOVERS"
Metallic accents:
Antique si..
Design No: 232R (Hearts & Lace)
Metallic accents: Antique silver / gunmetal
Design No: 172R (Hearts & Lace)
Metallic accents: Antique goldtone
Length: a..
Design No: 372R -
Inspirational Gemstone Choker
Metallic accents:
Antique goldtone & an..
Design No: 225R "LARIAT"
Metallic accents: Antique copper / antique
Length: approxim..
Design No: 223R "LARIAT"
Metallic accents: Antique silvertone / gunmetal
Design No: 03R (Love
Metallic accents: Antique goldtoneLength: approximately
22 inches
Design No: 14R
"Mars, the Angry Red planet" (Celestial Series)
Metallic accents:
Design No: 197R-
"MINI JOHN 3:16"
Metallic accents:
Antique goldtone
Length: approximate..
Design No: 432R -
"NEW CREATION" 2 Cor. 5:17 "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ,
he is a new c..
Showing 1 to 20 of 183 (10 Pages)